Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Power of Birthday-To-Do-Lists

Today I finally had a quiet relaxing Saturday again, no garage sale, no almost birthday bash, no shopping, no plans at all… just me, my computer and a wonderful café au lait. While browsing through my old favourite and a couple of new blogs, I came across this wonderful birthday-to-do list of Susannah from Ink on my Fingers.

And I decided that this year I need to have one as well…

… because I love to-do-lists in general!


… because I believe in the power of birthday-to-do lists!

That might come as a surprise, because I am generally a rather rational person who doesn’t believe in too many super-powers, but…

… I have already done a birthday-to-do list when I turned 30 and so many things actually happened in the following year and a half that even I couldn’t explain them with coincidence anymore.

And the really surprising thing was that not only the do-able and easy things became true…

e.g. Robbie Williams concert, Salsa dancing, my first professional manicure, more James Bond movies

…but also the aspirational and crazy things happened, which I wished for but actually didn’t really believe in.

e.g. going live to a World championship soccer game, driving through Australia and LOTS of love

So, now I am a true believer in birthday-to-do lists. And now I should really start thinking about what I put on my new birthday-to-do-list. Because, you know, it might come true soon… So beware of what you wish for...

I’ll show you my list tomorrow.

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