Sunday, December 2, 2012

First Advent

I cannot believe that it is already time to unlit the first candle on your Advent wreath again. But as always, it comes faster than you think each and every year ;-)

This year I bought a ready-made Advent wreath at the supermarket. You know I try to be pragmatic every now and then, just to get everything done that is important to me without going nuts. Working mum strategy and stuff. So I picked the most beautiful (or least horrible) wreath while I queued up at the cashier: not too much glitter, simple white candles, matt golden bits and pieces...

... but of course I couldn’t leave it that way. First I got rid of the bows which I suddenly didn’t like anymore. Then I started to go through my drawers and my Christmas box to pimp it up. Oh, well, I really try hard to make my life easy, but sometimes I just cannot stop myself. Anyway, it didn’t take me too long to transform my wreath and it didn’t cost an extra cent plus I am really happy with it now:

What did go do to your Advent wreath? Or did you make it from scratch? Or did you forget about it?
Oh and there was the second bag of my little one’s Advent calendar to be opened first thing in the morning.

It was filled with a little container full of mini chocolate chip cookies.

Real ones! I find it kind of cruel to give felt sweets to children as a gift. They always remind them of the real treat but you cannot eat them. Kind of mean! So I decided that my little one would get real sweets. And because I know she would eat them all straight-away (as I would do as well) I decided to put just a few in the little container and offer her occasional refills.

Happy first Advent! I hope you got some cookies as well.


Anonymous said...

Also, ich frage mich ja immer, wer die fertigen Kränze kauft :-))
Aber der umdekorierte sieht gut aus!!

Ich habe dieses Jahr zwei Kränze (einen zum Verschenken) und eine Girlande gebunden. Auf den Kranz kommen immer nur dicke Kerzen und die Zapfen-Nuss-Gold-Bling-Bling
Deko schütte ich in die Mitte mit einem Goldengel drauf :-)

Dein Adventskalender ist klasse, da gibt es bei uns dieses Jahr die easy-going Version - ein riesiger Haufen Playmobil Zoo vom Flohmarkt reicht für 2 Adventskalender, 2x Nikolaus und wahrscheinlich Weihnachten auch noch ein bisschen (weil das Haus nicht in die Säckchen oder Stiefel passt...).
LG, Christiane

* Ninotschka * said...

Oh wie toll. Selbstgebundene Kränze und ne Girlande. Das ist für mich schon hohe Floristen-Kunst!!!

Und jaaa Playmobil-Advents-Kalender. Die hatte ich als Kind auch und habe sie geliebt. Freue mich schon darauf, wenn meine Kleine groß genug für Playmo ist ;-).